Tanner is a confirmed bachelor despite the pursuits of Ann Whitefield and her persistent efforts to make him marry her. […]
Man and Superman

Tanner is a confirmed bachelor despite the pursuits of Ann Whitefield and her persistent efforts to make him marry her. […]
Wilma is married to Johnny. With two children, Wilma is feeling her age and misses the passion they had at the beginning of their marriage, while Johnny is more interested in watching Spellbound on TV than giving his wife attention. […]
Ginnie and Selena are high school classmates who also have tennis together. After each game, they take a cab ride home. Ginnie has always paid, but on this particular day, she decides to stand up for herself and demand her money. Selena is hurt by Ginnie’s demand, but Ginnie still demands her money. At Selena’s […]
Don Quixote/Alonso Quijana has fallen into a coma. His niece Antonia and Sancho are at his side. He eventually awakens, remembering his knightly career as only a vague dream. Aware that he is now dying, he asks Sancho to help him make out his will. As Quixote begins to dictate, Aldonza forces her way in. […]
Rose and Troy learn that Troy’s mistress died giving birth to their son. Rose tries to comfort Troy, and he asks for space. Then Troy talks to himself and to death about what the deal is gonna be. […]
Joe follows Louis to the park. Louis doesn’t want to be touched but Joe softens him up, then Joe doesn’t want to go with Louis but Louis convinces him. Then they leave together. […]
Joe comes home late, and Harper wants to know where he was, but Joe won’t say. After some intense back and forth, she straight asks him if he’s gay. After he gets over it, he denies his closet homosexuality. […]
Joe talks to his wife Harper about moving. She doesn’t want to and he tries to bring up her agoraphobia. She lashes out in response, then offers to give him a blowjob, which he’s not interested in because he’s a secret homosexual. […]
Shannon begins by talking to Hannah about food in Mexico, then after she runs off to vomit, he talks to himself about how he seduces ladies and, by doing this, is losing his mind. […]
Shannon is losing it, while Maxine tries to get him to calm down. She starts to get him to calm a little, when Shannon sees the bus leaving, and starts to pull the crucifix off his neck, cutting himself in the process. Hannah comes in and helps calm him down. Complicated scene, but if pulled […]